Peninsula Pipelines Seismic Upgrade (PPSU)
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission
San Mateo County, CA
MCK provided Contract Administration for the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission's Peninsula Pipelines Seismic Upgrade (PPSU) project that consisted of seismic upgrades to three Hetch Hetchy regional water delivery pipelines located in San Mateo County. The pipelines in need of repair are known as San Andreas Pipelines No. 2 and 3, and Sunset Supply Branch Pipeline. These upgrades were critical to the Hetch Hetchy Regional Water System and will increase pipeline reliability during potential seismic events.
Project components included replacing segments of the pipeline, open trench construction, surface restoration and installing structural support within an existing tunnel. The PPSU project included six improvement components at five different locations on the San Francisco Peninsula in San Mateo County. The pipeline work areas for this project were located in residential areas of Colma, South San Francisco, San Bruno and Millbrae.
This $42M project was a winner of the Water & Wastes Digest 2016 Top Projects award.