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India Basin Shoreline Park

San Francisco, CA

Sitting on 9.6 acres, India Basin Shoreline Park is located in the Bayview-Hunters Point neighborhood of San Francisco. The India Basin Shoreline Park Project is a unique opportunity to unite 900 Innes, previously the home to a flourishing shipbuilding industry (Scow Schooner Boatyard), to the adjacent underutilized India Basin Shoreline Park into one park.


MCK is providing Cost Estimating services for the project, which will include constructing a path of 1.5 miles of accessible shoreline along the San Francisco Bay linking to the Bay Trail and Blue Greenway, aiding better access from the neighborhood to the water.


The marineways that were once used to repair boats on the site, are used as inspiration for the Marineway that provides a large lawn for active play and group gatherings before sloping down and slipping into the water at a gravel shore. The Marineway is nestled within a native landscape of upland sage slopes, shoreline planting and marsh. A continuous garden and shorewalk promenade traces the historic shoreline to form the neighborhood edge, a social space with porch swings, concessions space, and areas for groups to BBQ and picnic.

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