Visitor Center Building Orange County Great Park
Irvine, CA
MCK served as Construction Manager for the 5,000 square foot Visitors Center that accommodates visitors with park information, ticket sales, a gift shop, and public restrooms, staff meeting space, storage, and other amenities. As the park’s first new “ground-up building,” it is designed to harmonize with the site’s historic military context as well as Great Park’s 21st Century image. Sustainable features include photovoltaic, solar-shading, and thermal mass in the form of gabion walls with site-harvested “El Toro Stone.”
Prior to bid, MCK prepared all bid documents, and reviewed entire package for constructability and bid ability. MCK facilitated numerous changes to the bid package. MCK also prepared the cost estimate which aligned well with the bids that were received. The MCK team performed cost estimating and led all change order negotiations with the General Contractor. MCK was responsible for ensuring that all aspects of construction were implemented and monitored. Construction team meetings were held on a weekly basis with the General Contractor in order to stay in front of construction issues as they arose.