Great Highway Restroom Renovation (Tarval & Judah)
San Francisco
Recreation & Parks Department
San Francisco, CA
Located at the intersection of the Great Highway and Judah/Taraval Streets, the Judah and Taraval restrooms were built in 1930 and designed in the Classical Revival style. As part of the Restroom Renovation Program of the 2008 Clean and Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond, the Judah and Taraval Restrooms were identified for renovations. MCK performed pre-bid cost estimates to the San Francisco Recreation & Park Department for the two Restroom Facilities. Each restroom building is identical, so renovations for each site mirrored the other. Improvements included Americans with Disabilities (ADA) improvements to interior and exterior spaces, structural improvements, minor irrigation improvements, salvage and reinstallation of historic wall and floor tiles and new curb ramps.